6 14 2012 Supplemental Good Day Sunshine

Greetings Friends. My Spirits and Energy levels are really good.

I made it or did I? That is up for interpretation. Some will say "Why yes Dave you sure did. Look at all the weight you loss." Some will say "Are you going to gain it all back?" OUCH!!! Ouch INDEED!!!

Hey it is the truth..... OK Dave what is the truth? Not one of his riddles......... AGAIN!

OK folks as promised my Summery of the 5 Bite Diet and my little thoughts of well of just whatever:

Riddle me this: What is the use of losing all this weight if I:

  1. Dont achieve good if not great health.
  2. Keep it off.
  3. If I .... I .... is there a number 3?
Is there a number three (3)? Who knows? Who cares........ well I for one do. So if any of you good folks out there want to throw a few words of wisdom please do so.

Look-it: At the end of the day I am oh so happy with the results. Why wouldnt I? I did rather good at the end of the day. I struggled, stumbled and fell a little. I always got myself up and continued. I suffered through non-related illnesses at the time or were they? Was the restriction of food a trigger? One day all of a sudden I go from eating pretty good to almost nothing. Hmmm.............. makes you think. 

OK so now I am thinking. (DANGER, DANGER, DANGER!) I do agree with the 5 Bite Diet for weight loss and learning about portion control ....... but maybe, maybe.... for about a week or even two I should have gradually cut down my food to the point it was 5 bites instead of bam the very next day. Just a thought. A thought I just may take to heart on my next 30 day challenge. 

Yes my Friends and Family there will be another 30 Day Challenge. Yet, I need a break for now and I will be what is called Maintenance. So what do you do on "Maintenance"? I will do my best to balance the amount I eat in order not to gain weight. I will try to "maintain" my current weight. I really dont want to weigh myself during this period and see if my instinct will prevail. Is that a good idea? 

For those who know me see an "Experiment In-progress" HA!!! Man vs Machine. OK Dave lets not get a big head please lol! No really I do want to be able to live without the scale and this is a good opportunity to see how I fare. I need to learn one way of the other. 

Will I share Maintenance? Well if I dont weigh myself and give updates on that, what can I share? I can share if I am on the straight and narrow, my menu, how much I ate, or what else. Would I just bore you to death. I wont have any results to report for at least a month. So you tell me. What would you like for me to report if I decide to share Maintenance. Please help. It will determine if I do it or not. If I do share it will be more like a Weekly Update with a few Supplemental to report anything else I add or come up with at the time. So you tell me.

OK I know this was not much of a Summery, so let me know whats on your mind and I will answer to the best of my ability. If you have specific questions about my Experience through the 5 Bite Diet or you just have a general question about the diet. I have the book and I will share. If I get enough questions I just might make a Supplemental Post out of it instead of just using the comment box. So it is in your hands. Field your questions and I will reply.

Have a Healthy Day my Friends and Family. Battles have been won, yet the War still rages on.There is no End, Just another Day. At least for now.

My Last BOW (?)



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