It takes 30 Days to Break a Habit Day 3

I apologize for not updating yesterday, I was in New York City all day taking an improv comedy class and showing my friend my favorite parts of downtown.  Let me tell you, being on a diet in the land of temptations felt like fasting.   It was easy the first two days, but for some reason it is especially hard today (Day 4 – I will post on that on its own) and was especially hard yesterday (Day 3).   I am going to make an index card with motivational sentences, reasons, and visuals so that when I am feeling hungry, tired, or weak, I can pull it out and stay strong.  Youll see it when I do.  Here was yesterday’s diet:

Meal 1: Vitamuffin top (100 calories), ½ cup blueberries
Snack 1:3/4 of Justin’s natural almond butter packet (120 calories)
Snack 2: 1 sliced mango
Meal 2: 2 celery stalks. Turkey sandwich on whole wheat English muffin with a slice of cheddar, tomato, lettuce, and 1 tbsp of smart light mayo. (cue angels - I missed cheese like no other)
Meal 3: 5oz grilled chicken.  I made butternut squash, but turned out kinda soggy so I skipped it.
Meal 4:  1 cup of minestrone soup from an Irish Pub called Mustang Sally’s – land of awesome bar food.  I forced my eyes to avoid entrees and go directly to the appetizer section of the menu.  When my soup came out next to my friend’s buffalo wings and burgers, I was actually really excited.  It was hearty and flavorful and surprisingly nourishing.  There was an unspoken agreement between me and the soup that this was a good choice.  Don’t worry chicken wings, I see you, but “tonight is make or break it” I told myself.  

On a completely unrelated note, after we left Mustang Sallys we almost became extras for a Starz show called "Power."   Having just left a 3 hour Improv Comedy class, we were already in a "Yes" mood and treated everything there after as a challenge for adventure.

"Those are some well-dressed homeless people" my friend said, as we stared at the long line of people leaning/sitting against the wall for what we thought was free food.  Long story short, producers counted us in as one of them, but left after realizing it was a 4 hour stint and it was already 1am.  Plus, we didnt want to offend any of the actual extras and instead ended up giggling and singing the whole way home.

What are your tips for saying yes to things in your best interest?  How do you say no to quick fixes and temporary pleasures?  This diet is a mini part-time job, but the pay is rewarding.  Thoughts?

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