Back On Track

Hello friends!

The weekend out-of-town bodybuilding visitors encouraged me!

Isnt it weird how when super in-shape people come to visit you, you wish you were at your prime too? But at this point of my life, I happened to have gained about 13 pounds and stopped working out for the past several weeks.

And even though I didnt want them to see me like this...Im glad they came.

They were the boost I needed to start eating healthy again.

We all went to the gym together on Sunday. So, not only did I get in a work-out, but I got in a good few dozen great tips on proper form.

She also gave me a diet plan...which I incorporated today.

So, I ate clean today and already I feel so much better. I plan to make it to the gym tonight as well.

Im realizing that sometimes we all need a little help in our life. And letting a person help you can perhaps improve you in ways you wouldnt have imagined.

Thank you for all your encouragement. It really means a lot to me. Ill let you know how everything goes.

Remember to not give up on yourself.


Sunshine Mama

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