I Am Sick Of Contractions!!!!!


This is how I feel about them.

At breakfast this morning, our children so accurately expressed my frustration about all these "fake" little contractions I keep getting...that I took their pictures.

I was hoping it would help convey to you all how sick and tired I am of all of this.

Ive stopped timing them.

I refuse to time them until they make me cry.

Theyve been happening all afternoon and evening today.

Last night I was up a 3:00 a.m during the night thinking it could be it.

But it wasnt.

Its never happened like this where I am constantly having contractions that develop into..


They just tease me and taunt me and get my hopes up ...
only to be dashed...ARGGG!!!

So, now I refuse to acknowledge them!
They. dont. exist.

Unless they make me feel like this!!
Or make me look like this!!

Unless they make me do this!
Unless they make me grovel in unbelievable pain...
I refuse to time another silly contraction.
Thats it!
Im done!
After all the contractions Ive had, youd think Id be a ten right now.
ok, I feel little better now.
Now, how about a happier post?
-Sunshine Mama

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