Another Tornado and Thank You Followers

Hello folks!

Ive been a bad blogger, but you all keep following me anyway. Thank you! Its been almost a week since I have been able to get to the library and check my email and blog. When I left I was at 99 followers and today I noticed that Im over 100. Thank you for following.

Now I just need to write something worth reading. Ha!

Well, heres the deal. I leave for a family reunion tomorrow and wont be back until next Monday. But I want to "re-start" my diet again. So, theres that.

Also, remember when I went running during a tornado/hail storm about five weeks ago? Well, another tornado literally touched down in my neighborhood Sunday afternoon, at 4:15 p.m.

Literally TWO WHOLE BLOCKS from where I live. Roofs were taken off buildings. Trees fell onto houses! Steel siding from industrial storage buildings flew off and wrapped around poles and trees. Unbelievable stuff literally two blocks from us and we didnt even know it happened until I saw all these cars driving by our house like there was some music concert down the street because they couldnt get through the main streets. Then because there was no power, people were out walking around, with the sun shining no less, all this damage taking pictures. So, I took a few walks, and took a bunch of pictures to share with you. Something Id like to do when I come back.

I bet you if you really, really wanted to see pictures you could google Tornado in La Crosse WI and youd find something.

Otherwise, I need to finish getting everybody ready for a trip for tomorrow.

But, thanks again everyone and I hope you all enjoy your Memorial Day weekend.


Sunshine Mama

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