5 25 2012 The 5 Bite Diet Day 11

Top of the Morning all. Well, ... where it is morning that is, lol! My Spirits are soaring. My Energy levels are nice.

I am excited about my up and coming Spiritual Retreat next week. YES!!! I for one am a believer and I look forward for the fellowship that I receive from my brothers. Since this is not a place focused on religion I will only talk about it in passing, but it is a part of who I am. A BIG part.

OK yall I am down the stretch of week 2. Not a stellar performance I do agree, yet I have a consistency that I want. I just need to get the numbers better. Dr. Lewis at the "private forum" told me that maybe my "bites" were too big. I know I mentioned this in passing. So I will finish up this week the way I have been doing things and consider reducing my "bite size" along with substituting my first meal with the Bulletproof Coffee. I do know that I will actually try the Bulletproof Coffee tomorrow if I can just remember to pick up some Kerrygold Butter on the way home. It will be a test run.

Hey if I like it I just might do a jump start and continue. I just dont know. Lets see how it fares and I will let yall know.

Results thus far:

(Please let me know if I mess up on my math below, I might add or subtract incorrectly)

Day 01 = (0.0) = 00.0 lbs loss current weight: 190.0 lbs (just starting)
Day 02 = (2.0) = 02.0 lbs loss current weight: 188.0 lbs (nice)
Day 03 = (1.6) = 03.6 lbs loss current weight: 186.4 lbs (this is how we do it)
Day 04 = (1.8) = 05.4 lbs loss current weight: 184.6 lbs (lovely)
Day 05 = (1.2) = 06.6 lbs loss current weight: 183.4 lbs (interesting)
Day 06 = (1.8) = 08.4 lbs loss current weight: 181.6 lbs (oh, yeah)
Day 07 = (1.2) = 09.6 lbs loss current weight: 180.4 lbs (keep it coming)
Day 08 = (0.4) =  10.0 lbs loss current weight: 180.0 lbs (Battle On!!!)
Day 09 = (0.8) =  10.8 lbs loss current weight: 179.2 lbs (Yo!)
Day 10 = (0.8) =  11.6 lbs loss current weight: 178.4 lbs (OK?)
Day 11  = (1.0) = 12.6 lbs loss current weight 177.4 lbs (OK part 2)

I really feel that I may be turning a corner at this time. Why? I really dont know it is just a feeling. A feeling? Well maybe it is a HOPE? I dont know. It is just there. OK not a real good description I know, but what can you do? HA!

QUESTION: should I be content with a rather steady rate of loss, although it is not as high of a rate as it could be or should I strive to increase the rate of loss? I am a bit torn about this. While on one hand I am OK with losing weight at this pace, an inner voice is saying "NO Dummy, kick it up a notch and GO FOR IT!!!"

In my Heart of Hearts I do believe I can step up to the plate and give it the "Ol College Try" So why not? Why not indeed!!! Did I just talk myself into doing this? Without any feedback. Am I talking to myself? Again? OK, yall dont call the guys dressed in white with those large butterfly nets. Hey I dont really care for those guys and they always have the worse, stale coffee in the world and............... HA!!!

No really, I think I just talked myself into doing this. Into what you may ask. I know I may have confused some out there so let me shed some light: I will be more cautious about the "bite size" of my 5 bites and I will give the Bulletproof Coffee a try as a replacement meal for my first meal of the day.

Ya know, that just might work. No, not the butterfly nets. Jeez yall are something else Ive gotta tell ya. HA! I am talking about the "bit size" adjustment and the Bulletproof coffee". I like the idea that I can just switch from my morning coffee to the Bulletproof version a little later in the day. I drink coffee until late morning most days anyway. Not a pot or two. I slowly drink about a half a pot a day.

 Hey, I am not one to shy away from experimenting or I would not be here. It is just my nature and you dont want to mess around with nature. Do you? OK, enough with the three ring act. Drum roll please! Life is too serious yall, Dont mind me if I mix business with pleasure.

Have a Healthy Day my Friends and Family. Today is in my hands, I will make today a Good Day.

Todays Menu: Black coffee, H20, Seltzer Water, Smoked Chicken with jalapeno sauce and Trail Mix.

The Choice is always YOURS



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