Japanese Curried Fried Rice The Bookfair COMETH!!!

The other day,  Daughter #1 came home and said, "Hey mom.  The school librarian asked me if I was ready for you to be cranky because of the book fair."

I asked, "How did you respond?"

#1 replied, "I told her you were always cranky anyways, and that the book fair didnt make much difference."

And there you have it. The ever wise and ever candid daughter described her mother succinctly. Cranky.

Truth be told, the bookfair really does make me crazy and cranky. The combination of those two things cant be easy on the family, but they have to put up with me and my insanity for a week.  During those times Im looking for meals that I have stored up in the fridge as well as quick to make dishes.  This my friends, is that quick to make dish.  As my family are curry fiends, this dish comes together way faster than curry rice, satisfying them quickly and with minimal effort from me. It goes great with kimchi and the first three times I made it, my kids went nuts, begging for more and for more.

Curry.  No stress.  No sweat.  No problem.

Japanese Curried Fried Rice
Serves 6

2 tablespoons butter (or some sort of butter substitute, like Earth Balance)
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 skinless boneless chicken breasts, cut into bite-sized pieces
½ onion, peeled and chopped
3 medium carrots, peeled and chopped
3 stalks of celery, chopped
1 tablespoon chopped garlic
¼ cup sake
4 tablespoons curry powder
6 cups cooked rice
1 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon black pepper

Heat butter and olive oil in a wok over high heat.  When butter has melted, add chicken, a dash of salt and pepper, and cook until chicken is opaque.

Add onion, celery, carrot, garlic, another pinch of salt and pepper, and cook, stirring constantly for 2 minutes, until vegetables are softer.

Add sake, and cook stirring constantly for 2 minutes.  Add curry powder, and keep stirring because curry can burn.

Add a bit of oil if desired.  Add rice, and work quickly, incorporating vegetables and chicken throughout rice.  Sprinkle soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, salt, and pepper and cook for 1 minute.

Remove from heat and serve immediately.

Printable recipe

So yummy, sometimes you need to put a guard in front of it.

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Momento App Winners My four winners!

I did a quick timed giveaway this time, and in that respect I also forgot to remind my winners basic rules regarding giveaways - namely, let me know how to email you the app.

My winners...

Lisa - counting down to Korea
YumMum - coutning down to kids holiday
HJ - counting down to California
Anonymous - counting down to sanity

Could yall please email me at joanne UNDERSCORE choi AT yahoo DOT com and give me an email so I can send you instructions on how to get the cool app Momento so you can make cool images like the one above.  YAY!

If you didnt win, but still love the fun of Momento - definitely buy it.   Again - only available for iOS.  Available here.

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Smochi When it feels right

I know people find this hard to believe, but in my daily life, there are more situations where I feel awkward and out of place than feel at home. I sometimes tell myself that I was not meant for the outside world, as the place where I am happiest is often in the four walls of my home, most specifically in my office (like right now) or in the kitchen (like in a few minutes.)

Its part of the reason I tend to gravitate towards the same places to eat meals, the same friends homes to hang out, the same routines, and the same route to school.  I feel awkward and out of place more often than not in the outside world but I understand who I am and that I have my own idiosyncrasies.  That being said, I try hard not to let my desire to be comfortable stop me from pushing myself when Im uncomfortable.  I know I grow when I stretch myself, but I also give myself permission to retreat back into my hole.

I do find myself finding unexpected moments of feeling right and in the proper place.  Today, while volunteering at school, Sons teacher asked me to direct the kids in a particular activity, so I had a chance to sit in a circle of kids and discuss a book.  Scrunched up on the floor with 13 kids looking on was a great experience and it made me smile.  And it caught me off guard, that surrounded by tiny kids, on a floor, talking about a book impromptu could make me so at peace.  It felt so right.

This little tasty bite is another one of those unexpected feel-so-right moments.  It definitely caught me off guard as it seemed to be in concept, a conflict between the best of east and west; delicious, melty chocolate, and soft squishy mochi have no business being smooshed together between two crunchy graham crackers but suddenly - one bite?  It feels just right.  It feels perfect.  It feels comfortable.

Its simple to execute but the result is a not-too-sweet, gooey, chewy, yummy something that makes all that is awry in the world straighten up.  I was inspired by this pic  but took it my own direction.  Its the kind of thing you can easily make only one of or you can make a bunch of without much struggle.

These were the mochi that I found at my local Japanese market.

Makes 3 (but just as easily you can make 1 or 6)

3 graham crackers, broken in half (I found a knife made cleaner cuts than trying to rely on simply breaking)
3 pieces of hard mochi
45 semisweet chocolate chips (15 chips per s’mochi)
1 teaspoon cooking oil

In a fry pan over medium heat add oil.  Add unwrapped mochi and cook for about 3 minutes on each side, or until it is golden and puffed up and squishy.

While mochi is cooking, place chocolate chips on top of graham crackers.  Add hot mochi on top of chocolate chips.  Allow mochi to melt chocolate chips for about 30 seconds, and then squish the graham cracker on top.

Open your mouth and take a huge bite.

Printable recipe
Smochi Smore Sil-vous-plait

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Korean Twice Cooked Chicken Wings Understanding my child

I know that the blog post have literally dwindled down to the tiniest trickle of almost non-existence.  Ive been going through a bit of emotional upheaval and stress and it seems that I am under-qualified for motherhood.

My latest stress has been over Daughter #2 and her true nature - an introvert.  In my mind she is this confident, well-spoken, audacious student, but who she really is is quiet, internal, introspective, and introverted.  She spent the first three years of preschool only nodding her head yes or no when asked a question.  She began coming out of her shell her final year of preschool, thanks to the lovely teachers (J and Y) at her school and in kindergarten I began seeing some hints that perhaps she might come out of her shell.

But she hasnt really.  I havent given up hope and sometimes that hope pushes me to force her into situations that I shouldnt be pushing her.  Our most recent situation was the Bible Verse Memorization Festival that we held at our church.  It was our first time hosting it and I didnt give it much thought.  I assumed Daughters (Son is too young) would just do it and it would be no big deal.

Upon receiving their assigned verses, both Daughters flopped into the minivan and on our way home from church adamantly declared that they were NOT going to do it. Daughter #1 was very vocal and protested vehemently.  Daughter #2, I could see in the rear view mirror, was completely withdrawn and in another place.  I just quietly reminded the girls that yes, they needed to do this and they could do it with enough practice.

Daughter #2 proceeded to have four meltdowns for unexplained reasons the rest of that evening, and it became clear to me that something was really bothering her.  I pulled her aside and asked what was wrong and she declared that she didnt want to perform the Bible verse in front of an audience.  I told her I needed time to think about what the right thing to do and would get back to her an answer.

I took a step back and slowly thought about the situation.  I thought of what my objective was and what the desired outcome would be.  I considered long and hard and came up with two disparate objectives.

#1.  Get her to do the required task.

#2.  Help her to learn to do the required task.

They seem similar but they really arent.  #1 really focuses on the outcome of the actual performance.  #2 focuses on the idea that the process of learning is more important than the actual performance.  The tiger mom in me (ROAR) wanted to push #1.  "You will memorize this verse; you will get up in front of people, and you will do it."  But the teacher in me, which generally doesnt turn on around Children, spoke up.  "You know your child.  You know she doesnt easily get up in front of people.  How is forcing her to do it right off the bat going to teach her anything?"

In the end I went with #2, despite the fact that many around me (including Husband initially) felt that forcing her to do it would teach her to do it in the future.  I explained that I saw her doing it in the future, but it just didnt have to be in four weeks. Her road could be a little bit longer to get to the end result.

I explained to Daughter #2 that she did not have to get up on stage and perform her memorization.  She did, however, HAVE to memorize it.  "The only people who are going to care whether you learn it or not are Mommy and God.  Youll have to do it for the two of us.  I will however, give the entrance fee to the festival, and SHOULD YOU decide that you want to recite it on that day, you may.  If you choose not to do it, it will not be because you didnt memorize it, but instead because you choose not to perform in front of others."   Despite giving Daughter #2 an expectation that I knew she could manage (she memorized Psalm 23 in less than two days and recited it for me) her moods were erratic and unpredictable for the four weeks leading up to the festival. There were lots of spontaneous tears, shrieks of anger, a time when I was playing piano for church service only to see a little girl bolt down the aisle and land in my lap as I played, and a variety of unexpected unusual behavior.  I didnt know what was bothering her.

Turns out, it was Big Sister.  Daughter #1 informed Daughter #2, that no matter what, in two years, she would in fact HAVE to perform the Bible memory verse as a 3rd grader.  This two year future event plagued the psyche of Daughter #2 and made her nuts.  I suggested to her that we focus on simply just making it through this year before worrying about two years in the future.  It didnt help.  The only thing that appeased her was the same offer I made for her this current year.

On the day of the festival itself, I still had some hope that Daughter #2 might overcome her fear and get up and try.  Her verse was memorized perfectly and I even found her saying timidly to me, "I think I might want to do it."  She changed her mind several times over the course of the morning, and I tried not to react too much either way.  I clarified that she had fulfilled her end of the bargain and that whatever she chose to do at the festival was up to her.

In the end, she chose not to do it. Truthfully I was a little bit frustrated that she didnt, because other kids made it up there to do it, and you could see the fear in their eyes, but they got up and tried.  And I give much kudos and admiration for that.  I kept on hoping that she would see others pushing through and she would as well.  But I did watch her, silently observing, calculating, and measuring the risks and rewards.  I saw her carefully examine each participants face, and I saw her measuring the looks of pride and joy on the parents faces as their own child performed.  Watching her carefully looking at others gave me reassurance that she in fact did fulfill objective #2, learning to do the required tasks.

Im hoping that after she observed other participants not being eaten up by alligators, not bursting into spontaneous flames, not turning into pumpkins, and not bawling their eyes out, her own worst fears about performance will begin to be alleviated and she too, can get up and try.  Maybe not this next time, but soon.

Daughter #2s favorite thing to eat?  Chicken wings.  She particularly loves this new creation I came up last week and it appeased her for a long while and kept her occupied preventing a couple of meltdowns.  The mix of two types of cooking, roasting and braising, yields a really wonderful texture and flavor.   Its not difficult to make (the roasting part is just merely sticking it the oven) and it can be made ahead by roasting the chicken first and just doing the braising portion right before serving.   Daughter #1 said, "THIS is my favorite chicken." Daughter #2 showed me it was the best chicken by eating 8.  They want it again this week.
Korean Twice Cooked Chicken Wings
Serves 4

2 lbs chicken wings, sectioned off into wings and drummettes (or if you’re lucky only the one part that you like)
¼ cup sake
¼ cup soy sauce
½ teaspoon black pepper

¼ cup soy sauce
¼ cup honey
2 tablespoons sesame oil
2 tablespoons sake
1 tablespoon rice vinegar
5 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
2 inch ginger root, peeled and sliced into thin disks
2 or 3 dried whole chili pepper, or in a pinch, any fresh whole chili pepper will work (thai dragon or jalapeno)

Toasted sesame seeds for garnish

Mix ¼ cup sake and ¼ cup soy sauce in a container where you will marinate the chicken. Add the chicken. Cover and marinate - at least 4 hours, if not overnight.

Preheat oven 400. Drain chicken from marinade. Line roasting pan with foil and lay chicken in a single layer and roast at 400 degrees for 1 hour, until chicken is golden dark brown.

While chicken is roasting, begin preparing braising liquid. To a large pan (big enough to hold 2 lbs of chicken wings) add soy sauce, honey, sesame oil, sake, rice vinegar, garlic cloves, ginger, and chili to a large pan. Bring mixture to a boil AFTER the chicken is removed from the oven. Once braising liquid is boiling, add roasted wings to the mixture, reducing heat to simmer gently, until a thin, shiny glaze forms over the chicken. Sprinkle with sesame seeds before serving.

Serve hot with plenty of napkins.

Printable recipe

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Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread The things I wished I said

For JH and RL, and all those who miss them too.

The start of 2015 was a bit rough as I lost two lovely ladies in my life.  After a battle with cancer, Son and Daughters beloved preschool teacher JH passed away.  I wept so much at her passing, because she loved and doted on both my kids and me so much.  In one of our sporadic email exchanges back and forth, she said that she had pulled out the good china, was using new sheets, and was enjoying the time she had left with her beloved family.  Her last days on earth were about enjoying them to the fullest and to live without any regrets.  But her passing was like a candle being blown out; the room suddenly went dark for me. I found myself really missing her and wishing that I told her more often how much she meant to my family and me.  Although she left without any regrets, I found that I had more than a handful.

And then more recently, a fellow mom and lovely human being RL, collapsed while at choir practice with her two children, from a cerebral aneurysm.  It was sudden, unexpected, and so quick that most of us were left shell-shocked and astounded that someone could be here on earth one moment and gone the next. Life shifted in a split second for RL - there and then no longer. I didnt get to say all the prayers I wanted for her; I missed out on asking her for the zucchini bread recipe, and I didnt schedule that extra playdate that we wanted to have for our kids.  The time to do so was already gone.

I mourned very deeply the loss of these two tremendously amazing women. I also found myself upset that I didnt say and do all the things that I had planned to, because they had simply run out of time. And I find myself with the realization that when death occurs, those who are left behind can often spend more time thinking of their regrets and the "didnt dos" and not so much of all the things that they had already done.  Thats where I am. I want to do more but my opportunity is already done.  Im reminded over and over that I shouldnt wait until tomorrow to say what I want to say or do what I want to do.

I honor their memory and our relationships with this post.  Teacher J was a phenomenal gardener and one who enjoyed the growing of plants, and RL was always planting zucchini in the summer that overflowed and produced way more than she could eat.  Both would have loved this zucchini bread: Teacher J, if I had made it for her, and RL because she made something similar.  I miss you both ladies, and have been thinking of you often while baking and trying to prefect this.

If youve never made zucchini bread, for the record, it doesnt taste like zucchini. This is really much closer to a dessert than a vegetable dish.  I like to call it, "Eat your veggies in your dessert."  The zucchini adds tremendous moisture and richness to this bread and even though you can see the flecks of zucchini, it doesnt add to the flavor.  This bread is not overly sweet, but has a rich and deep chocolate flavor that just cant be beat. As you make it, think of the things you want most to say to those around you, and dont hesitate to express your love.
Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread
Makes 2 loaves

1½  cups sugar
1 cup canola oil
3 eggs
1 tablespoon  vanilla extract
3 cups all-purpose flour
2/3  cup baking cocoa (I love Guittard, but if you can’t find it, just use what you have on hand)
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
½  teaspoon baking soda
4 cups shredded zucchini
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350.  Grease two 8X4 loaf pans with cooking spray or butter.

In a large bowl, beat the sugar, oil, eggs and vanilla until well blended. In a separate bowl, whisk together flour, cocoa, salt, baking powder, cinnamon and baking soda; gradually stir into sugar/oil mixture until blended. The mixture will be stiff.  Stir in zucchini. Carefully fold in chocolate chips. Transfer prepared loaf pans.

Bake at 350° for 50-55 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Cool for 10 minutes before removing from pans to wire racks to cool completely

Printable recipe

J and R - more than words can say, I miss you.

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5 Bite Diet Update and News you can USE

Greetings all,

As you can tell by the dates of the previous posts that this blog is not current. It was designed as an experiment for myself and later for Connor.  The 5 Bite Diet is not designed for daily use for life. It is designed as Weight Loss Tool and a Tool to learn about Portion Control. It really works effectively when applied correctly. I will leave this blog open for viewing to those who want to see results on this diet. You can no longer post comments here. You can always email me with any questions you may have and I will answer you back as soon as possible. I dont know if I will update this blog in the future. I wont say "no" at this point. It does have some good qualities about it. So for now it will remain as an "Archive" of my 5 Bite Diet experience. I hope it helps those who are interested going down this path. 

When the weight has come off I suggest to you to try the Zero Carb Diet or should I say the Zero Carb Lifestyle. This is my suggestion to you and has nothing to do with the 5 Bite Diet. As many of you know there is a link to my Zero Carb Blog formally known as "The Chronicles of David" and now has been renamed "Zero Carb Chronicles". Right now Connor is giving the Zero Carb Life style one more try. He has failed in the past due to his inability to curb his cravings for carbohydrates aka "POISON" in my book. At the time of this posting he has successfully been on the Zero Carb Lifestyle for 33 days and has lost 7 1/2 pounds with ease. Anyway if you are so inclined click the link to the Zero Carb Chronicles Blog and see how Connor is doing and read all the Scientific Data that our resident expert "Denis" has provided the Zero Carb Chronicles Blog over the last few years. You can use the "search" option on that blog and input "Denis" and read his important and informative science research on the subject of the Zero Carb Lifestyle.

Below is the Link to the Zero Carb Chronicles Blog:


Eat this and lose all the weight you can imagine. It takes a little longer, but the result are lifelong.

Have a Healthy Day! Live Long, Be Strong and Always Battle On!!!

(ZC)er For LIFE


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Ten Days And Counting

Happy Saturday folks!

Happy Weekend!!

Dare I say...I have exactly ten days until Im due?

Do you know how long I have been waiting to say that? To say it like in the New Years Eve Countdown?

10!!...9!!...8!!...7!!... 6!!...5!!!.....

We are just one day away to a single digit countdown folks!!

Now when people ask me how long I have to go I can actually show them my hands and point to my fingers!

I can say its only a matter of days!

This is the part of the pregnancy where people are excited for you, but they also get weird on you. Like they think you can deliver the baby right there with them in the vicinity or something...

They say things like...

"Just dont have the baby now..."

"Be careful, there, we dont want you to go into labor right now...right here."

If only labor would happen that fast. Wouldnt that be nice?

I love this part. People are so cute. The calls get more frequent and so do the visits.

Well, Sunshine Mama has worn herself out today with grocery shopping and food preparation activities. Im still not done yet tonight and I have more to do tomorrow.

Hey, maybe its a sign. Maybe all this last minute flurry of activity means Ill be going into labor soon.

I think thats what my husband was thinking as he observed me busily washing up the dishes at 9:00 tonight after already completing several hours of shopping, cooking, chopping ect, ect, ect...

Well, have a great day folks!!

I plan to.

Sunshine Mama
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Back On Track

Hello friends!

The weekend out-of-town bodybuilding visitors encouraged me!

Isnt it weird how when super in-shape people come to visit you, you wish you were at your prime too? But at this point of my life, I happened to have gained about 13 pounds and stopped working out for the past several weeks.

And even though I didnt want them to see me like this...Im glad they came.

They were the boost I needed to start eating healthy again.

We all went to the gym together on Sunday. So, not only did I get in a work-out, but I got in a good few dozen great tips on proper form.

She also gave me a diet plan...which I incorporated today.

So, I ate clean today and already I feel so much better. I plan to make it to the gym tonight as well.

Im realizing that sometimes we all need a little help in our life. And letting a person help you can perhaps improve you in ways you wouldnt have imagined.

Thank you for all your encouragement. It really means a lot to me. Ill let you know how everything goes.

Remember to not give up on yourself.


Sunshine Mama
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Half Marathons And Babies

Hello friends!

Sorry I havent posted in over a month. The last few times that I went to the library I ended spending all of my time checking out books on mummies, and revolutionary war heroes for my children for homeschooling.

I started homeschooling two weeks earlier than normal because I had this sneaking suspicion that I might want to end the home school year earlier than normal.

Why would I want to end it early?

So that I could spend time with a new little baby.

Im pregnant folks...with baby number #7.

Ok, that felt so nice to type. And I just giggled. All of us here are really excited. Im due May 7th, and I turn eight weeks along on Sunday.

So, Ive just re-joined the working out pregnant mamas club with Sunshine Meg and Sherah and I think there may be few more of you out there.

Isnt this exciting? And, yes, I know what youre all thinking...."How old is Mr. Lovely?" Hes 10 1/2 months and already standing. I do believe that boy will be walking by a year which is months sooner than all of our other children. But he will be 18 months when this new one is born. Thats quick. Our closest spread before these next two was a 20 month difference with Iris Anna Anna (now 7) and Peach Blossom (now 5 1/2).

Im still working out.

Why....just today I ran that half marathon that I was telling you all about. Yep! 13.1 miles. Id been training for it all summer the nurses said it was ok to run as long as I didnt get over heated. Well, it it was 45 degrees this morning. I felt really good.

At about the 9-mile mark, the judge who had married us ten years ago (this October) was running alongside of me. Hes always running halfs and full marathons and he is at least in his 60s. I got talking to him and shared with him that I was pregnant with #7. At about two miles left in the race he pulled away. By that point I was beginning to feel sore all over the place.

I was chuckling to myself that he probably pulled ahead because he didnt want to let a pregnant women beat him, but then again...I just let a 60 year-old beat me. Ha! Good stuff though. He did a great job at our wedding. I see him at the gym.

Speaking of gym. I am still working out. I started my push-up program about three weeks ago after I had worked up to four sets of 15 ( boy style) push-ups. I started out being able to do 50 consecutive push-ups. This last Wednesday I did six sets of 25 push-ups (175 total).

When I was pregnant with Morning Glory, I just kind of stopped my push-ups. I would like to continue them.

I am continuing to eat mostly clean and have kept my weight loss at a 14 pound loss.

So, things are going well. I may reward myself with an ice cream indulgence today. It was fun to have the kids all there when I finished my race today. I did speed up at the end.

Now I need to check on a few folks.


Sunshine Mama
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Day 3

First day on the vary low calorie portion of the protocol. I felt good all day it help that I ate like a pig the day before! 
500 calories a day goes fast this is what I ate today:
Breakfast: 24oz coffee black, 
Lunch: 3 ounces boneless skinless chicken breast, apple, 3 sweet cherry peppers.
Dinner: 3 ounces of talipia fish, 5oz romaine lettuce with wishbone spritzer dressing,
Desert: Toasted ezekiel bread crumbled up with 3ounces of strawberries on top (like a strawberry shortcake). 
I drank over 10 cups of water per the protocol, 2 more cups of coffee throughout the day.            
Todays stats:
I weighed in at 249 pounds this morning, Im up .50 ounces from where I started. Not to bad considering what I ate the last 2 days. I will see where I weigh in at in the morning after todays progress.
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My Diet Plan How to lose 10kg in One Week!

I really hate how am I right now because Im severely overweight.
Ive tried many ways to lose weight but I still went back to my formal self.
While surfing the internet for "rapid hardcore weight lost", I came across this website:

I think that I would love this diet plan because it does not involve exercising because I hate to exercise. I hope this would work for me too and as stated in the blog, 
"this girl who actually tried this method, lost 11kg in just one week!" 
Imagine just a week of "starvation", I could be able to look better. No harm trying, well, not too much. (:

This is just a small amendment of the diet plan because my first day does not start on Monday and end on Sunday.
"Apparently the recipe is worked out by doctors and somehow it is permissible to practice such fasting days every month. They said It is 100% guaranteed to lose to 25Ibs (11.4kg) I guess a bit over 10kg in one week! However if you use this method next time you wont be guranteed to lose 10kg or more."
1st day (Wednesday): 1 bottle mineral water divide into 6 parts for drinking during the day.
2nd day (Thursday): 1 litre skim milk divide in to 6 parts for drinking during the day; 1 apple at 9 PM.
3rd day (Friday): 1 bottle mineral water divide in to 6 parts for drinking during the day.
4th day (Saturday): Vegetable day! Salad (about 0.9~1kg) fresh cabbage, carrot, any potherbs you like. Add vegetable oil 1 table spoon. Salad divide into 3 parts. You can drink 2 glasses of water.
- I would drink just water for the day.
5th day (Sunday): 1 liter milk divide in to 6 parts for drinking during the day; 1 apple at 9 PM.
6th day (Monday): Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1 cup of tea; Afternoon snack: 1 apple; Dinner: 1 apple
7th day (Tuesday): 2 glasses of skim milk, 1 cup of tea without sugar in the evening;
- I would just drink 2 glasses of skim milk and warm water in the evening. 
"So again, this diet is for people who have strong will power and is guaranteed to lose 11kg. (Hopefully this is true.)"
If I lost at least 5 kg, this would consider to be quite true to me.
Well, I will be starting my diet plan tomorrow, 22 August and end on 28 August.
My prelims would last from today, 21 August to 30 August so this diet should be alright. 
I wonder if this would affect my performance for prelims though.. Lets hope not kaee, (:
I would be updating at the end of each day of diet whether if I lost any weight, as little as 0.1kg.
Well, thats all from me today. Better get prepared to eat my last full meal before my diet starts!

See you soon. 
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Happy Thursday And Interesting Weight Loss

Hello friends!

Today is a good day because I lost an entire pound from the day before. But before you get too excited with me...youll have to read how I had to do some "finagling" to get the weight to drop.

So, I get on the scale this morning and it reads that I only dropped 2/10 a pound. At first Im thinking..."great! Really wanted to see a bigger drop."

Thats when I noticed that Im slightly engorged and that Morning Glory could really use some breast milk. So, I dutifully took care of my sons dietary needs.

And five minutes later..... re-weighed myself.

That boy drank 8/10 of a pound in five minutes!!!

So, of course, thats the new weight Im claiming.

Other than that, my calories are on target today. I plan on working out this evening because its so hot here. I think were in the 90s.

Hope youre all doing well and staying cool!


Sunshine Mama
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No More Complaining

Hi Friends!

Happy Weekend!

Just wanted to let you all know how my week went.

My eating has been around 1,400 calories every day with 45 to 60 minute weight lifting work-outs. I also have been incorporating cardio as I have been training for a half marathon. I have done sprints twice this week. I also tried something new that I read about.

I put the treadmill on the highest incline, 15, and walked for half a mile at about 2.5. I felt that in my glutes. Im actually excited about this exercise because of the focus on that area.

I have remained at the same weight for 11 days, which boggles me. I cant possibly have plateaued at the weight that Im at. So, Im just patiently waiting for the weight to drop.

In the meantime, I can tell that my legs are looking awesome with all the emphasis on running, sprinting and the leg work-outs that Im giving them. In fact, Im feeling more confident about how I look despite an unresponsive scale.

And, youre right, SunshineMeg. Once I get in the gym, do my work-out, I feel better.

To be honest, Ive made some athletic goals for after the half marathon. But meeting those goals requires that I lose a certain amount of body fat. So, I think one of the reasons I feel so peeved about slow weight loss is that I may have to put off for a later date that "other" goal.

But I honestly wont know if I can meet that goal until several weeks from now. I know Im being vague here. So, well just have to see.

But I did want to say that Im not as upset as I had been about slow weight loss. I guess Ive reconciled with myself that for whatever reason, its taking longer. Also, I know that there are a lot more important things in this world to worry about than the success of my perfect weight loss plan.

Take the dying children in Somalia as an example. That just breaks my heart.

It puts a lot of things back into an attitude of gratitude for simply food. Water. Health care.

So, Im going to try stop complaining about slow weight loss.

Besides there is a flip side.

Im not gaining weight. And I feel confident that what I am eating is super healthy and that it wont put unnecessary fat on me.

I feel strong and muscular.

Well, on that note, I need to go and do a bunch of errands.

Hope you all have a great weekend!


Sunshine Mama
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6 4 2012 The 5 Bite Diet Day s 18 19 20

Greetings Friends. My Spirits and Energy levels are good.

First of all sorry for the delay for the last few days. I have been having some problems with my laptop. No I did not go into a carb frenzy. HA!!!! I have also been dealing with some personal issue non-related to this or any diet. Just personal stuff that life throws our way. Those issues are private and wont be a part of this blog.

Hit me with your best shot:

Results thus far:

(Please let me know if I mess up on my math below, I might add or subtract incorrectly)

Day 01 = (0.0) = 00.0 lbs loss current weight: 190.0 lbs (just starting)
Day 02 = (2.0) = 02.0 lbs loss current weight: 188.0 lbs (nice)
Day 03 = (1.6) = 03.6 lbs loss current weight: 186.4 lbs (this is how we do it)
Day 04 = (1.8) = 05.4 lbs loss current weight: 184.6 lbs (lovely)
Day 05 = (1.2) = 06.6 lbs loss current weight: 183.4 lbs (interesting)
Day 06 = (1.8) = 08.4 lbs loss current weight: 181.6 lbs (oh, yeah)
Day 07 = (1.2) = 09.6 lbs loss current weight: 180.4 lbs (keep it coming)
Day 08 = (0.4) =  10.0 lbs loss current weight: 180.0 lbs (Battle On!!!)
Day 09 = (0.8) =  10.8 lbs loss current weight: 179.2 lbs (Yo!)
Day 10 = (0.8) =  11.6 lbs loss current weight: 178.4 lbs (OK?)
Day 11 = (1.0) =  12.6 lbs loss current weight: 177.4 lbs (OK part 2)
Day 12 = (1.2) =  13.8 lbs loss current weight: 176.2 lbs (OK part 3)
Day 13 = (0.8) =  14.6 lbs loss current weight: 175.4 lbs (Jeez)
Day 14 =(+4.0) = 10.6 lbs loss current weight: 179.4 lbs (Just Shoot Me)
Day 15 =(+0.4) = 10.2 lbs loss current weight: 179.8 lbs (Hold the Line!!!)
Day 16 =  (1.0) = 11.2 lbs loss current weight: 178.8 lbs (Fighting Back)
Day 17 = (1.4) =  12.6 lbs loss current weight: 177.4 lbs (brig it on!)
Day 18 = (1.2) =  13.8 lbs loss current weight: 176.2 lbs (this is how we do it)
Day 19 = (1.0) = 14.8 lbs loss current weight: 175.2 lbs (talk to me)
Day 20 = (0.8) = 15.6 lbs loss current weight: 174.4 lbs (Oh my, my)

Well there you go! Like I said before I hope I did not scare anyone. No carb binges, no worries. Just some technical and personal difficulties non-related in anyway to my way of eating (woe).

Oh so did you noticed that I did not post todays results? OK I will post them later today. Much later, but they will be here. Today is just gonna be a we bit short.

I do appreciate the many emails of support from those who still do not want to post on the blog although it is in total anonymity. To be fair some are asking questions that I would not post about in any circumstances. I will always do my best to answer your questions and help anyone that asks for it.

I will leave you for the moment with one of my favorite movie quotes:

"Thank you, Sarah, for your courage through the dark years. I cant help you with what you must soon face, except to say that the future is not set. You must be stronger than you imagine you can be. You must survive, or I will never exist."  - Kyle Reese (The Terminator 1984)

Have a Healthy Day My Friends and Family. Keep an eye out for my next post today later in the evening for todays update. Nothing is set, you can control what next steps you take. The choice has always been yours........... always.

Recent Menus for the past days included: Black coffee, H20, Seltzer Water, Bulletproof Coffee, Grilled Chicken, Brisket, Eggs, Breakfast Sausage, Cheese, and Pulled Pork. (wow, I am full)

Always  and Forever



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Chocolate Quinoa Cake Mommy Jekyll and Monster Hyde

There are times I wonder if I am literally two people stuck inside a single body.  Sometimes my mind runs on two separate tracks and I have a hard time deciphering which one I really am.  These days the two separate tracks of my mind seem to be running on even more divergent paths than normal and I feel a little bit monstrous inside.

In less than two weeks, Daughters will take on their first piano competition.  Five months ago, I got it in my head that Id like for the girls to try a competition, if only to dip their feet in the pond and have an experience of practicing, polishing, and performing a piece of music to the best of their ability.  Daughters are proficient but not exceptionally gifted in music but they work hard and I thought the competition would be a good place for them to work on these skills.  Upon announcing that this is what they would do, there was mass rebellion initially, but they got behind the idea that they didnt have to win and it was much more about the experience.  They have challenged themselves through difficult pieces, practiced nominally harder than normal, and learned a lot about the extensive work that goes into preparation for the competition.  With that, they have met the almost all the original goals of the competition, even before they perform.

However, there is another side to me, just bubbling underneath the surface that wants the WIN.  I want a WINNER.  I want them to be the BEST.  I want them to crush the competition and come out on top and I want victory and I want it bad.  I want them to walk on the stage, wow the judges with their virtuosity and blow away everyone else in the field.  Its the side Im wrestling with so much these days, when I see that they arent pushing themselves further and harder and more intensely, especially frustrating to see when I look at how challenging the list of competitors are. (They are just competing against so many other students.)  I deliberately chose a music program that focuses much more on the fun of music and didnt want one that would suck the joy out of music.  However, I feel this strong desire every time I hear them practice, to suck the joy right out of their musical lives and push them to be the competitors that I think that they should be!  This is the monster side of me and the one that makes me insane.  I want them to win.  I want to be the mom that screams and yells for more, harder, better, greater, simply for the win.

The realist in me knows that a win is unlikely, simply because they arent there yet.  Daughter are young and Ive not coached or primed them for this.  Ive not made music and the playing of the piano about the destruction of their self worth to balance or hinge upon the winning or losing any given competition.  I chose music and piano for them to teach them other things such as practice, discipline, and improvement in small moments and not about the win.  I dont want them to feel that the value of their musical experience is based on the victory in an arbitrary competition where some stranger evaluates them and compares them to others.

But still.  That Monster Hyde in me grunts and says, "Lets WIN!  Lets DO IT!  Lets be FIRST PLACE!  Im going to be challenged on the performance of their duet on competition day as they need a page turner for their piece and they asked me if I would do it.  Ill be nervously up there WITH them, desiring to prime them, to address their needs, to coach them, but being unable to do so.  Ill have to have a mask on my face, hiding my emotions, my displeasure, my dismay when they miss a note or mess up, and Ill have to withold my desire to tell them what to do.  Ill be internally battling within myself as they play - the proud mom for taking on this challenge and doing their best and the monster mom who wants them to just to crush the performance and turn out a winner.

This cake pretty much represents me these next few weeks.  Its chocolately, fudgy, decadent and delicious WHILE being made from cooked quinoa.  Yes.  Keenwah.  Wipe the dumbfounded and slightly disgusted look of your face as I assure you that you cant TASTE the quinoa, but its there, just under the surface.  The cake is reminiscent of a flourless cake, rich and fudgy and super moist.  Its kind of healthy food, but it really isnt, and its better for you kind of, but really isnt with all the butter and sugar.  Its worth making even if you DO NOT have a gluten allergy, because the sinfulness of it is amazing.  Its kind of healthy, kind of sinful, both at the same time.  Two purposes existing in one cake.

Two mothers existing in one body.  Sigh.

Chocolate Quinoa Cake
Adapted from Quinoa 365
Serves 16 (two 8 inch cakes)

2 cups cooked quinoa, any color (cook ? cup uncooked quinoa in 1 ? cup of water)
1/3 cup milk
4 large eggs
1 tablespoon espresso powder
3/4 cup (12 tablespoons) unsalted butter, melted and cooled
1 ½ cups white sugar
1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (I used Valrhona)
1 ½  tsp. baking powder
½  tsp. baking soda
½  tsp. salt

powdered sugar

Preheat oven to 350.  Line two round 8 inch pans with parchment paper and grease well.

Combine the milk, eggs, quinoa, and espresso powder in a blender or food processor.  Blend until smooth. Add the butter and continue to blend until smooth.

Whisk together the sugar, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a medium bowl or in a mixer. Add the contents of the blender and mix well.

Divide the batter evenly between the 2 pans and bake on the center oven rack for 40 to 45 minutes or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Remove the cake from the oven and cool completely in the pan.

Once cake is fully cooled, turn out of pan.  Dust with powdered sugar and serve with berries on its own.

Printable recipe

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Day 6 of my 6 week hCG diet!

Weigh in this morning 240.5 pounds down 1.5 pounds from yesterday.
Quarter cup egg beaters, caramelized onions and bell peppers, but for tomato slices on top, and 2 tablespoons of salsa, 24 ounces of black coffee.
Medium-size apple.
Spinach salad, 3 ounces of ground turkey cooked with taco seasoning cucumbers,  onions and Tapatio Hot Sauce. 
Half cup blueberries.
Hunger was manageable all day today a drink 12 cups of water throughout the day ended the day with some decaf green tea.
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Day 22 of my 6 week hCG diet

My wife reminded me that that the protocol requires 2 more days of the vary low calories not taking the fast drop hCG. So I have 2 more days I was so looking forward to some good food. what is 2 more days at this point in the game.

Weigh in 230 pounds, its officially now 18 pounds I am down from when I started just 22 days ago.

Breakfast: 1 apple, 24 ounces of coffee.

Lunch: Ground turkey cooked in tomato sauce over sprouted wheat toast.

Dinner: Ground chicken and cabbage soup. 1 small orange.

10 cups of water, 2 cups coffee throughout the day.
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End of Year Teacher Gifts When youre not ready to say good bye

For JH - missing you

Its here.  The final last day of school.  Its my last day of preschool ever, as Children will all be in elementary school next year.  Tomorrow Ill say goodbye to a community of teachers, staff, parents, and children who have loved my family and me for the past six years and a part of me breaks.

Im not even sad that Son is growing up - because, you  know, its TIME.  His preschool years were amazing, fun and awesome, but were ready for some new learning and new growth.  Its not like I wish that he could stay longer as a preschooler.

Its that I wish I could stay longer as a community member of the school.  And saying good-bye has never ever been my strong suit.  Im not worried about Son, Im worried about ME.  Son has already announced to his teacher, "My mom is going to cry tomorrow" and Im sure I will.  Ill bawl with tears streaming down my cheeks.  Im readying the kleenex and the ice packs because I dont think my heart will be able to handle it.

It becomes a question of how one says goodbye to a community.  Im not sure.  This community was there for me when we arrived from Korea, not knowing anyone, and my first new friends in California came from this community.  My first parenting support and help came from this community.  And the friends that Children love best came from this place, so the ties are strong.

I decided to say my good-byes today in small ways.   For the office staff, I wanted to give them something small to take home that they could enjoy, and usually I make them a bunch of cookies.  This year the office staff universally is getting in shape and trimming down, so I decided on these gorgeous succulents that I found ($5 at Trader Joes) and wrote simple cards to all.

For Sons teachers, I went the route of humor.  This year has been one fraught with a lot of changes and flux at the school and the teachers were amazing and wonderful.  I wanted them to know that I KNEW that they needed time to recover from their work this year, so I decided to take this idea that I bounced off of my friend blogger over at Sillie Smile.  I wanted little prescription pads with space where I could tell the teachers how I thought that they should relax.

Sillie Smile came up with the bottle labels, prescription sheets, and the cute idea to put movie tickets (I purchased mine from Costco) into a medicine bottle as a form of packaging.  I loved the idea and I have to tell you that the teachers all did as well.  Check out her post with all the details here.

The cookies I made for the prescription were the Oatmeal Brown Butter cookies.  They are Husbands current favorite cookie, and the flavors and textures are awesome.  I made the dough ahead of time, rolled them into logs, and then sliced them.  It definitely works just as well to simply make them and make round balls of dough and bake them immediately.

Anyways, tomorrow Ill say goodbye.  Ill try not to embarrass Son with snotty face and red eyes, but who knows.  I only have an ugly cry and that will be the one that comes out.  I may need to write my own prescription pad, "How to recover from saying goodbye" and it will  say,  "Profuse amounts of chocolate and caramel.  French fries.   Chips."


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Yo viewers! Sorry for not updating the past few days, I didnt weigh myself as I was feeling heavy with my monthly period. Soo.. What Ill do is, is to weigh myself after my period.

During this period of time I will try to control my diet, similarly trying to restrain myself from eating unhealthy food because of my sickness.Well, since Ive nothing to post about my diet for the past .. two days?

Ill post about what I did on Saturday (:

Saturday morning was just as usual for me. I woke up around 12PM and ate my breakfast while watching Korean variety shows like Running Man. The day before my mother told me that well be heading to the Expo for the NATAS exhibition. I was pretty excited as I MIGHT be going overseas after my O levels this year. Yes Im 16. The last time I went overseas was when I was in Secondary 2, at the age of 14. Me and my mother went to Korea, Seoul and as well as Jeju Island. I really wanted to go again man. It was awesome! But well of course since weve been there before, its better to go to other countries first to enjoy. ^^

We arrived at Expo around 4PM and started to look around. Huge crowds were expected. Many people were giving out flyers to promote what they provide. We first went to CTC to know more about Hong Kong, as in which hotel can we stay, where to go etc. After 15 minutes of waiting, we finally sat down in front of the CTC staff. Anyway it was quite boring as my mom is the one communicating and I wasnt feeling too good because of my period.

The CTC staff was kind of rude. My mom was asking questions, like how others would do, and you know what she said?

"Please stop asking me so many questions, I am getting confused and I cant get my things done for you."

Definitely my mother was feeling sad. LOL. Because my mother is a detailed person. After quite a long time, we went out for dinner as I was feeling hungry hahaha. Because of my situation, there is a lot of food that I cant eat, like, spicy stuffs, fried stuffs.. So pissed off! In the end I order a soup meal.

After dinner, we proceed on to two other travel agencies, the first one starts with N and another one is Five Stars. N was pretty expensive so after the talk with the staff my mother decided to drop it and went to Five Stars instead. Five Stars was very detailed as everything is printed out for us to refer. It was specific. Finally we decided to go with Five Stars. 

18Nov - 21 Nov
A 4D3N trip to Hong Kong.
4 Stars Kimberly Hotel 
Disneyland Two-Way transport 
Ocean Park Two-Way transport 
Flight: 6:30AM
Back to Singapore on 21Nov around 9PM.

Im so excited! Oh btw, the Five Stars staff that hosted us have the same name as me! Hahaha so my mother was like calling out her name all the time so I sat down there feeling weird. XD Oh, we bought insurance too. Okay so thats it. I dont know what else to say hahaha.

Its 1:45AM now.. Lucky theres no school for me tomorrow, 27 Aug 2012 as I have no exams. Fuck yea! Hahaha.

Bye people!
Opps its actually, "I dont have exams today."The reason is its already Monday, ROFL.

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9 16 2012 Supplemental Vanguard

Good Day!!! My Spirits and Energy levels are nice.

I hope everyone is doing well. Where has the time gone? Where indeed. I have been working hard on many fronts right now. I ended up working Saturday on a special project at my place of employment. So only one day off this weekend.

I have been doing very well. I am focusing my spar time to thoughts of what should "be" and what should "be not". With what your may ask. With what indeed!!! So folks may think this is easy, well my friends and family it is not, at least for me.

OK, back to reality or is it??? So what in the heck is going on? I wish I had all the answers my Friends and Family, yet sadly I dont. No worries yall, no worries at at all. Ooh so optimistic. Why not? Hey I have a nice little tight group here and "WE" have what we have, which is not much at the moment. HA! So that leads me to the next statement:  "Is There Anyone Out There?" Five simple words that say a lot. What do they mean to me: Well, they mean .................. well.......... now that is a tough one. I guess it means how many people out there think like me. I am comfortable to say most of the regular folks that comment here or email me do or they would not bother.

So now I will finally reveal my long awaited plans to "TAKE OVER THE WORLD" HA!!! Alright that was just a joke yall. Well I dont want to be corrupted by fame and fortune dont ya know? LOL!!!

Hey what is a humble guy to do? Yes, I am humble as humble as they come. For the most part I am just a simple person on a mission. I try to use my little brain to come up with what I think is right. So there you go.

Have a Healthy Day my Friends and Family. Live Long, Be Strong and Always Battle On!!!

Keep Reaching for the Stars


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Time To Tighten Down The Diet

Hello friends!

First things first.

To answer someones question...When I was on my run, I stopped and ate my pineapple since I was stopping to drink water anyway. But I am contemplating pineapple juice where I can drink it without stopping.

Ive also decided when the temperature is that high, I can stop for water breaks. Or pineapple breaks.

Anyway. This weight is not coming off fast enough for me.

So, starting Sunday I took out all wheat products from my diet. No body builder in their right mind eats wheat products when theyre trying to cut up for a show. Yes, maybe off season they do, but not when they want to see the fat drop.

So, instead I replace that with potatoes, brown rice, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, squash, beets, green beans, asparagus....you get the picture.

Wheat is very calorie dense.

And remember pasta is a wheat product folks!

Then Ive starting eating two spinach salads a day. I hadnt eaten a salad in a few weeks. I think there is something to eating lots of vegetables that helps promote fat loss.

I also plan on running six days a week and weight lifting five days a week, abs three days a week and push-ups 2 to 3 times a week. For those who might feel intimidated by this...Ive had this goal for about six weeks and have been working up to that work-out schedule. For the past three or four weeks, Ive had to not run all that Ive wanted to run because I needed to give my legs rest until I felt they were ready for six days a week. I think they may be ready for six days in a row this week.

Remember slow and steady gets the worm! ha, I think I combined that with something.

My calories are right about in the 1,400 range. On Sunday when I dont work out I may let them drop to 1,000.

I also am dropping popcorn from my menu as it causes bloating. I had some Sunday night with olive oil and I gained a pound the next morning. And, no, it wasnt the salt. Its what popcorn does. I knew this, and I ate the popcorn anyway.

Now you all know too.

Another thing that will cause my weight loss to slow down and even maybe gain is Ms. Monthly. So...lets just say that after this week, the scale better be showing some big losses. But usually after the period, the weight loss will catch up to where its suppose to be.

So, last night, I ran 4 1/2 miles, did a 40 minute leg work-out and abs. I felt great too! Maybe it was that pineapple that I took along to eat half way through the work-out.

See you all will be eating pineapple before you know it.

Hope youre having a good one!


Sunshine Mama
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Another Tornado and Thank You Followers

Hello folks!

Ive been a bad blogger, but you all keep following me anyway. Thank you! Its been almost a week since I have been able to get to the library and check my email and blog. When I left I was at 99 followers and today I noticed that Im over 100. Thank you for following.

Now I just need to write something worth reading. Ha!

Well, heres the deal. I leave for a family reunion tomorrow and wont be back until next Monday. But I want to "re-start" my diet again. So, theres that.

Also, remember when I went running during a tornado/hail storm about five weeks ago? Well, another tornado literally touched down in my neighborhood Sunday afternoon, at 4:15 p.m.

Literally TWO WHOLE BLOCKS from where I live. Roofs were taken off buildings. Trees fell onto houses! Steel siding from industrial storage buildings flew off and wrapped around poles and trees. Unbelievable stuff literally two blocks from us and we didnt even know it happened until I saw all these cars driving by our house like there was some music concert down the street because they couldnt get through the main streets. Then because there was no power, people were out walking around, with the sun shining no less, all this damage taking pictures. So, I took a few walks, and took a bunch of pictures to share with you. Something Id like to do when I come back.

I bet you if you really, really wanted to see pictures you could google Tornado in La Crosse WI and youd find something.

Otherwise, I need to finish getting everybody ready for a trip for tomorrow.

But, thanks again everyone and I hope you all enjoy your Memorial Day weekend.


Sunshine Mama
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Kimchi Dumplings 김치만두 When it is in your blood

To my mom, my aunt, and my two grandmothers.  Thank you for my genetic dumpling making ability.

I come from a long line of dumpling making experts.  My paternal grandmother, my maternal grandmother, my aunt, and my mom are all expert dumpling makers.  They all were making excessive numbers of dumpling even before I was a thought in my moms dumpling making head.

Having this list of whos who of dumpling makers in my family meant that growing up, we made dumplings.  A lot of them.  As a younger child, after the filling was made, Id sit down on the floor with my grandmothers and my mom and begin the tedious process of filling the dumplings.  Scoop, wet, seal.  Id get criticism from my grandmother that the dumplings werent plump enough and that the ratio of filling to skin had to be a lot more filling to the skin.  "Thats how people can tell youre an expert dumpling maker" shed tell me.  I learned more complicated double folding techniques so that my dumpling looked like a cute little hat.  Again thered be critique and criticism about the shape and the amount of filling inside.

As I got older, my job as a dumpling assistant became more complex.  Id have to keep the water boiling and get all the vegetables blanched, and then once the vegetables were blanched, I used a food processor to chop them up to just the right size, and then Id move those chopped vegetables to a bag and would squeeze the vegetables until my mom told me that they were the right texture.  Itd be my moms ultimate job of seasoning, mixing, and making sure everything tasted good altogether.

It was also through these times that I was instructed on a bit of the wizardry behind Korean dumpling making.  Squeezing the water from the vegetables and tofu ensured a firm yet fluffy texture to the filling of the dumpling.  Seasoning the meat separately from the vegetables was also an absolute must because if you tried to season it all together, youd get bland dumplings.  My paternal grandmother also had a special ingredient inside her dumpling which was a pinenut pushed into the center of each dumpling before folding it up and sealing it.  It added a special texture and nutty flavor to her dumplings (but is a technique I do not use because of Sons allergies.)  A light hand was also important as you didnt want to make the vegetables too mushy or become watery.

Despite my excessive training and apprenticeship, dumpling making was not a life my own mother wanted for me.  In fact, she wanted our special dumpling making traditions to end with her, and not have me do them.  "Its too much work, too strenuous, and its not something that I want you to do for the rest of your life."  Instead, she masterfully makes trays and dumplings, freezes them and brings them to me when she comes to visit.  She has no desire to see the repeat of dumpling making pass to her daughter for fear of the lifetime of work it would entail. Truthfully, dumpling making is a lot of work, and dont get me started on the condition of your kitchen after youre done with all the chopping and blanching and squeezing and filling.

However, if youve got dumpling making in your blood,  its not a life you can escape.  My mother has given me various apparatuses for dumpling making (including a machine that squeezes the liquid out of the vegetables for you) and yet didnt want me to get involved in it.   However, I love dumplings and I love the kind that are freshly homemade.  Because of that, I had no choice.  I had to roll up my sleeves and make dumplings on my own, despite my mothers protests to the contrary. I trained in Korea, under my grandmother (who also insisted that I shouldnt do this) and I came back to the US to practice.  It was my aunt who gave me the wisest words about dumpling making:  "Dont think you have to make a LOT of dumpling mixture, just make enough for your family."

Most recently, it was the sour kimchi and two daughters at home during break that really pushed me to make them, because Family loves the dumplings like you wouldnt believe.  I decided to use the sour kimchi and turn them into dumplings, which is another family dish that I grew up eating.  Sour kimchi actually saves a few steps because you dont have to blanch the cabbage; the kimchi is already tender enough from fermentation that makes blanching unnecessary.  There is less need to season, as kimchi has a lot of the seasoning value for you, and all in all, its a great way to get rid of some kimchi that you cannot eat otherwise (except in a stew, in a grilled cheese sandwich, or sauteed with pork.  But I digress.)

This time, during this round of dumpling making, Daughters begged to be let in on the tradition of filling and folding dumplings.  I suddenly missed my childhood, sitting on the floor with my grandmothers, filling the dumplings as quickly as I could.  Daughters, as it was their first time doing it, were not skilled, and in fact made some horrible dumplings at first.  But as I coached and instructed, they got better.  They began filling those dumplings full and became faster.  And although its not a life I want for them either (I really need to show people what happens to your kitchen) I know that once again, dumpling making is in THEIR blood.  They wont be able to stop it either.

As for the actual preparation, set aside a good amount of time, about 3 hours to provide adequate time to make the filling and fill the dumplings.  Youll need a large food processor (not the mini prep type) or really good knife skills, which is not a method I recommend at all. Ive actually hand chopped dumpling mixture once in Korea, and its not something Ill do again.  EVER. If you dont have a food processor, definitely borrow one from a friend.  Youll need a muslin or cloth bag, in order to squeeze your vegetables well.  

Kimchi Dumplings (????)
Makes 85 to 100 dumplings, depending on your wrapper size and how full you are stuffing them

4 cups well-ripened kimchi (sour), drained in a colander (but not washed)
1 onion, peeled and cut into quarters
16 oz mung bean sprouts
14 oz soft tofu
1 lb boneless pork loin chops
5 garlic cloves
1 inch piece of peeled ginger, sliced into pieces
3 tablespoons sesame oil
2 tablespoons crushed sesame seeds
salt and pepper to taste

2 packages of gyoza wrappers (I prefer Dynasty brand because it doesn’t use egg)

Special equipment
Food processor (large capacity, not mini prep)
Muslin bag or cheesecloth bag (I love these dried food bags from Whole Foods.)  You can also use a clean dishtowel.

Bring a pot of water to boiling.  Blanch mung bean sprouts for about 2 minutes, and then remove from heat and drain.  Set aside.

In a food processor fitted with the chopping blade, begin processing all the filling.  Chop the mung bean sprouts.  A couple of pulses, totaling no more than 30 seconds should be enough to get them small enough.    Remove blad from food processor.  Remove chopped bean sprouts from processor and place into muslin or cheesecloth bag.  Squeeze mung bean sprouts until volume is reduced by about half.  Remove squeezed bean sprouts from bag and place into a large bowl, large enough that you will be able to make your filling in it.

Replace blade on food processor and process onions, once again a few pulses to get fine pieces, but not mush.  Remove blade from processor.  Remove onions from processor, place into bag, and squeeze until volume is reduced by about half.  Place onion into same bowl as mung bean sprouts.

Replace blade into food processor.  Add 4 cups of kimchi.  Once again process kimchi until it is in small pieces, but not slush (about ¼ inch pieces).  Remove blade.  Remove kimchi and place into bag, and squeeze until volume is reduced by about half. Add kimchi into same bowl as mung bean sprouts and onions.

Take tofu and place into bag and squeeze until the volume is reduced by about half.  Add to bowl with the rest of the vegetables.  Add 2 tablespoons sesame oil and 1 tablespoon crushed sesame seeds and mix together, using your hand gently.. This means do not squeeze too hard but rather lightly incorporate all the ingredients together.  After all the ingredients are distributed, taste.  This portion (since it’s all cooked) should allow you to check the seasonings.  It should be well seasoned, not bland and not salty.  If needs salt, add a pinch of salt and mix again.

To the food processor, add pork, sliced ginger, and garlic cloves.  Pulse pork until all pieces are cut into a fine mince.  Add ½ teaspoon salt, ½ teaspoon pepper, 1 tablespoon of sesame oil, and 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds and mix together.  Add pork mixture TO vegetable mixture.  Once again, using a gentle hand, mix ingredients together.  This is the dumpling filling.

Fill a small bowl with water.  Taking one dumpling wrapper, scoop about 1 heaping tablespoon of filling into the center of the wrapper.  Dip your finger in water and wet the outer edge of one half of the wrapper.  Fold wrapper over and using a bit of pressure, seal the dumpling shut tightly.  Lay dumpling on tray, and continue until filling is all gone.  This is where employing child labor comes in very handy.

After the dumplings are wrapped (or in process of being wrapped) there are two cooking methods you can employ - boiling or frying.  Both are delicious, but boiling allows you to really appreciate the dumpling filling while frying makes you appreciate the crispy dumpling skin.

Bring a large pot of water to a boil.  Once water begins boiling, add dumpling to water, just enough so that there is room for the dumplings to swim around.  Dumplings are finished when they float to the top and the skin is translucent and wrinkling over the top of the filling.  Using a slotted spoon, remove from water.  Bring water to a boil again and repeat with additional dumplings.

Heat a medium pot with at least 3 inches deep of oil. Heat oil over medium high heat.   Place a rack over a paper towel lined cookie sheet.  When the oil begins to shimmer, add a test dumpling to the oil.  The dumpling should immediately sizzle and begin cooking.  Dumplings cook quickly in the right temperature oil, about 4 minutes and they should be golden brown.  Move dumplings to rack and allow them to drain and cool.

Printable recipe

Delicious any way you have them.

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