A Happy Busy Thursday Im 36 Weeks Two Days Along

Hi folks!

Its been a happy, busy Thursday here. Thanks for all your anniversary congratulations.

My husband and I started the day with skipping breakfast.

Yes, we both totally skipped breakfast.

But we had a very good reason.

We took our 2 1/2 year old son to get an ultrasound done on his heart. There was the possibility that he might need to be sedated, which meant he couldnt have any breakfast. So, the whole family "slept in" a little and had breakfast after we left for the clinic. I just couldnt eat breakfast in front of him and at the same time tell him he couldnt have anything.

But as it worked out, he didnt need to be sedated because he stayed still enough for the ultrasound and I brought a snack for him to eat after it was over. And believe me, by then, he was quite hungry.

And I will say, his heart is unchanged, which is a good thing. He basically has a slight thickening in one of his ventricles which causes some uneven pressure, which makes the heart murmur sound. The doctors just basically monitor it to make sure it doesnt cause any negative effects. But if negative affects do occur, they can be remedied easily enough. Thats the short explanation.

But after we got back, yes we were hungry too and ate.

Later in the day, I took my hard drive to the computer doctor and Im really, really hoping to be able to post a few pictures tomorrow. Well see about that too.

Other than that, I did get to the gym tonight and got in a good work-out. So, that makes it two times this week so far.

Oh, I should tell you all about this dream that I had last night. I think I was having some pain in one of my legs during the night because of the whole baby laying on the sciatica nerve thing. I think that that is why I started dreaming that I went into labor, and dreamt that I had my baby today!!

I shared that with someone at the gym and the first thing he said was, "a pain-free labor!"

Wouldnt that be nice.

Dawnes comment has me really curious about this raspberry leaf tea too. So, I will have to check it out.

Well, there isnt much else to say. Ive been feeling great, and Ive been eating spot-on. I got my husband and the kids some sweets as part of our anniversary celebration but I did not have any of it. I think that when we do some fun stuff this weekend I will treat myself with some raspberries and blueberries. But I didnt feel deprived when I didnt share in their treats.

Kind words from my husband in the cards and little gifts he gave me today were enough to make my day. I usually want chocolate on my anniversary, but its absence today just didnt really bother me.

Well, Friday is practically here. I hope you all have a good one!

Sunshine Mama

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