You All Are Funny

Hola Friends!

Perky plant here.

Ha, Ha, you guys pick up on stuff quick. Later on when I wrote that I sat back wondering the next day if anyone would have fun with that.

I see you all have active imaginations.

Actually thats how I explained it to my 16-year-old daughter yesterday when I "made" her go running with me to the gym.

Everyone wants to know what they can drink "besides" plain ole water. My husband, my daughter. Well the way I explain it to my husband is the car and oil illustration.

Like a car needs gas to go, our body needs fuel to work out. And like a car needs oil or it will malfunction, so our bodies need water.

Either way, the wonderful thing about water is that...its cheap and plentiful. God thought of everyone when he came up with that design element of our bodies.

Well, Im taking a rest day from running because my legs feel fatigued. I did work my arms though and biked 2 1/2 miles. Training is still on for the half marathon. My eating is going well.

I saw 4/10 drop from yesterday so that was nice. Only two pounds away from a ten pound drop.

Im not sure if Ill be able to drop 20 pounds in exactly ten weeks this time because I screwed around too much in the beginning. But hey, maybe 11 weeks I might be able to drop 20 pounds.

Thanks for all your comments.

They sure do make me smile!

Im running out of time tonight to get to you all, but I will get to you!

Stay cool! If thats possible.


Sunshine Mama

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