What better way to end the work week than a picture of a cute pair of tootsies?
You all know how I loves toes?
I weighed him today on our scale... you know since this is a weight loss blog...
But he was so little, he didnt register.
So, with a big sigh...I stepped on with him...
and then again without him...
Oh, what did I weigh you ask?
Nice try.
But according to my scale, our baby weighed a whopping seven pounds even.
Thats up 6/10 a pound from his birth weight of 6.44.
So, dont let this thumb sucking picture fool you.
Hes been getting milk a-plenty from me.
And as far as my diet goes, I gained back a pound this morning.
It was probably my husbands chips that I had last night.
Did I mention that I will often have several false starts before a diet sticks?
Hence my favorite mantra, "If at first you dont succeed...try, try, try, try... and try again."
One last day of the work week, folks!!
We can do it.
Oh, did you all read my husbands comment from yesterdays post?
Isnt he the best?
Have a good one!
Sunshine Mama
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