Exciting News

Exciting news friends!

I hopped on the scale today. After fourteen days of being at the same weight, I was beginning to expect the same number.

But Who Hee!

A two pound drop!

I was pathetically excited. Its so overdue, but I was still happy. Now Im up to 11.8 pounds lost.

Lately Ive had this idea that the reason the weight loss is going so slow is because my body is restructuring itself.

And that takes time.

My physique is looking more athletic. Bumps and bulges seem to be thinning out and floating to the the spots where I want them to be.

Ive actually received a few compliments from people where they give me this incredulous look and say, "You look great."

I say thanks even though I dont quite feel incredible yet. But I do feel great.

August is a tough month for me because I am slowly ramping up my mileage in preparation for this half marathon. Im working out six days a week. I ran nine miles last Saturday. I plan on doing ten miles this Saturday, then eleven the next and then thirteen the Saturday after that.

But whats exciting for me is that...I am doing it.

Im halfway through August, and Ive been meeting my goals. Ive added some fun sprint action two days a week and focus on my glutes twice a week with the high incline on the treadmill. Im managing getting to the gym five days a week and running six days a week.

So, isnt that good news?

Now I could wake up tomorrow and the scale could take back a pound that it gave me. But thats just fluctuations and will happen before the weight settles down.

Or I could lose more?

Ok...I wont push it.

I just feel so good having this extra energy.

So good in fact that Ive started "grooving" to music again in the kitchen while preparing food.

Now isnt that a nice picture to leave you all with? Ha!

Life is good. Hope youre all having a good week.


Sunshine Mama

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