We Made It To Friday


We made it to Friday. Now we can breathe a sigh of relief for a few days before the work week hits us again. I got in my three work-outs this week. Now I have just one week left before the baby is due.

Tonight I tried making a bean soup for the family. It had garbanzo beans and kidney beans with carrots, onions and brown rice.
My husband had two bowls, but the rest of the family wasnt as impressed.

There was actually some tears involved with the bean soup.
I think next time I may skip the kidney beans.
Although they did like the banana muffins.
Darling Rose cooked these up.

There are many things that I want to cook up for tomorrow, but Im feeling a little lazy about doing it. Its probably because Im tired right now and every day this week felt long and tedious. I would just love to just sleep in tomorrow and not have to do anything, but I feel like Im on this countdown or limited timetable...like I have all these things that need to get done before "it" happens.
Ha, Ha!!! Like the end of the world is coming next week or something. Like there is life as I know it now and then there will be life as I know it after "it" happens.
The "after" feels like a mystery to me. Not a bad mystery, but it makes me anticipate the future. There just seem to be so many unknowns. Like I wonder how I will handle the lack of sleep at night when the baby comes. How will the babys disposition be...I pray he will be born healthy... How much will I weigh a few weeks after the baby is born... Is he really a boy or did they get it wrong...How will the labor go...What day will it occur...I wonder when I can get in my first run, its been so long since Ive run...how will homeschool go after the baby is born...
So, many questions...
So I suppose thats why I feel this pressure to prepare. And this weekend I am feeling the need to prepare by getting the food situation squared away.
But I am so tired; but I usually feel better after a good nights sleep.
I also wanted to get some belly shots taken this weekend. Some artistic ones with my husband. However, the gal who I wanted to do it is in the hospital right now on bed rest because she is also pregnant with her 6th children. She is 36 weeks along but shes already dilated to 6 and 50 percent effaced.
So, after yesterdays post, I should be glad that Im not dilated so big because I wouldnt want to be on bed rest. But I still want pictures taken, so I just may have to coach my daughter on taking some pictures of her mom and dad. And maybe we can come up with something nice.
Well, I should go and write out that grocery list for my big shopping trip.
I hope you all have something fun planned this weekend!
Sunshine Mama

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