Apple Muffins And Sleepy Sunshine Mama

Hi folks!

How is everyone?

Im sleepy so this will be another quick post. But I did include a few pictures of the apple muffins I made on Tuesday. Its the same recipe as the Blueberry Muffins except I put in about five or six cups of apples instead of the blueberries.
My husband liked these so much that he wanted to....
(this is the true test of good food)...

he wanted to bring some to share at work.
Well, I am flattered!
I do think these would have tasted even
better with cinnamon, but maybe next time.
Other than that, I bascially gained back the weight I dropped the other day.
But I will say on a positive note, that Mr. Lovely is getting milk-a-plenty
which is the most important thing...
And I am feeling stronger and lifting heavier weights at the gym.
Tonight I put on my gym clothes and then tacked on a long sleeved t-shirt and
them, count em....put on three sweatshirs to battle the cold on the run to the gym.
The run felt great!
My running legs are coming back!
So, I must get some sleep now!
I have a special outfit planned for Mr. Lovelys photo shoot on Thursday
And...I just might reveal his new flower name.

Ta Da!
And Take care!
Sunshine Mama

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