Looking For The Positive

Hi folks!

Its almost 11:00 p.m. here. Today was long but very productive.

I lost another pound this morning, so Ive lost 6.8 pounds in nine days. So, thats basically seven pounds.

I have to be honest with you. Im a little surprised that eating clean seems to be making the weight drop faster than it usually does when I start my ten week diet. Im still waiting for several days to go by where I dont lose any weight. Maybe that will happen soon.

Oddly enough, as quickly as the weight seems to be leaving me, I still feel like I still have forever to go yet before I reach my goals. Like I look in the mirror still and see the negative.

Its good that the negative is still motivating me, but I am also trying to look at the positive in the negative. For example, because Im carrying extra fat, Im not as cold this winter when I run to the gym. Im just not as cold period. I never thought that that would be a positive to a negative. Ha!

Heck, by the time I get to the weight where I start feeling colder (because of carrying less body fat), it will be April. So, Im basically sweating it out during the short cold days of winter.

The positive is that Im now twenty pounds and ten weeks out from fitting into that black vintage suit.

So, if youre there with me feeling like your goals are still a long way off, try to find the positive in the situation.

Tomorrow I get to photograph Mr. Lovely as he will be ten weeks old. My how time flies. In the last few days hes been trying out sucking his thumb. As cute as it is, Im trying to discourage it before it forms into a habit.

Hope your all having a good one!
The weekend is almost here.

Sunshine Mama

Oh, I ran 2 1/2 miles today, did sit-ups, did four sets of 15 push-ups ( the first two were girl and the second two were boy style), did a 35 minute chest and triceps work-out. My calories came in at 1,750. I felt better with the increased calories.

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